Saturday, February 7, 2009

Such Peaceful Harmony!

I'm here on my computer listening to "House of Cards" by Radiohead as I am typing up this blog. It's been a pretty gloomy yet peaceful day. Not that I am sad or anything, but the weather is in between cloudy and rainy (if that's even a word lol). It's great for pondering about things, I've been thinking a lot about the day I move out lately. About what my place will look like and what my life will be like then. Where will I be working? Will I be romantically involved and if so will that person be spending the night often? Will I be able to afford furniture? Will it be a tiny efficiency or a big condo shared with roommates?...who knows!! For now I just want to do my best to make it a reality, I'd be extremely happier living on my own and feeling as if I am providing for myself and being independent and grown up. Gosh, I turn 20 this month?...Earlier it kinda hit me, I was editing my flickr profile and I realized in the little description I had written of myself it still said "I am 18" lol talk about delayed, and as I went to edit it I realized "Why put 19?....I'm going to be 20 in about about 20 days" O_O lol The big 2-0, the transition from teenager to young adult, it's okay though, I really don't feel as if I'm getting older lol and that's probably because a part of me has always been somewhat more mature than my age (even though I do have my childish moments), but for the most part I tend to be pretty mature, at least I'd hope I am lol, I say that because of what people tell me and that is that they sometimes forget my age because I come off older, It's like there's a viejo (means 'old man' in Spanish) trapped inside of me lol. Well the viejo is off to try and be productive and get some stuff done, hey.....I just noticed the sun is shinning through my window. Yay! :) looks like it might not be raining after all. Well take care guys, until next time! <3

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