Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Is Going On So Far...

..Things are going pretty good for me so far! I mean, March has brought certain unexpected twists and turns to my life, actually you could say they were some what expected just not something I was wishing for! What I am referring to is the lose of the friendship I had with some good friends of mine, I somewhat saw it coming, I just wasn't expecting for it to come so soon. But with that said, I feel like I have mourned it enough, everything in life happens for a reason, I've always been one to say "you loose one friend and you gain three!" Meaning that life is full of changes full of opportunities to gain new friends when you've lost some old ones, life is a constant cycle and we shouldn't mourn for those whose friendships with us go down the wrong path but take it as a sign that we didn't have enough of a strong friendship to build a lasting relationship from! With that said, March has been bringing me some really good, fond memories! :) The Britney Concert was very amazing!!!

St. Patrick's day was pretty interesting, tried attending a Shoe fashion show with my friend, Stephanie, but little did we know the show started at 1 in the morning so we ended up having to leave early! I also had a shot by the name of Washington Apple at Flanigan's which was very delicious! Went to go see the Knowing (which was pretty interesting) and drove all the way to Pompano Beach all on my own xD which felt like quite an accomplishment! Got hooked on a show called The United States Of Tara on Showtime which is awesome and am currently enjoying the company of my uncle, aunt, and little cousin who moved to Miami from Canada. Things seem pretty good! I really can't complain, we'll see what else March has in store for me :)

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